


1. The students are able to explain the definition of words concerning with management.
2. The students are able to explain what to say when giving and receiving feedback.

            Management is the process of planning, organizing, leading, and controlling the resource in an organization. Some of these resources are human, some are material, and some financial. These resources must be managed in a way that allows a company to achieve goals of supplying its products or services to the marketplace while also making a profit. How individual managers work within this managerial process is termed leadership style. Leadership is the way in which managers interact with their subordinates in order to achieve company objectives.  Democratic, authoritarian, and laissez-faire are the examples of leadership styles.
            Planning, organizing, leading, and controlling are all aspects of a manager’s job. Planning involves determining what the organization needs to do and the best way to achieve it. A crucial part of this step is decision making. The second basic managerial activity is organizing. In this portion of the manager’s job, he or she must determine how best to arrange resources, human and material, to achieve desired goals. The third managerial function is leading. In this area of a manager’s job, he or she must guide and motivate employees to accomplish company objectives. Through leadership, managers must exert influence and communicate with their employees to ensure that employees understand and carry out assigned tasks. The fourth managerial function, controlling, means monitoring the firm’s performance, make sure that goals are being achieve. Managers compare actual performance with planning performance, and make changes based on the results.
            In order for their companies to be successful, managers must formulate company objectives. Objectives are guidelines and goals for an organization to follow and achieve. Why should we use objectives? Objectives give the business a direction. Objectives set the standards for the company. In addition, objectives motivate the workers and managers to contribute their best efforts.

  1. What is management?
  2. What are the resources in an organization?
  3. What is meant by leadership?
  4. What is leadership style?
  5. Mention kinds of leadership style!
  6. According to you, what are some advantages and disadvantages of each managerial style? Which would you prefer if you are the manager?
  7. Mention four managerial function you know!
  8. What is objective?
  9. Why should the company formulate the objectives?
  10. What is a good manager?
  11. What personal qualities do you think a manager should have?
  12. Have you ever worked under the supervision of a manager? Was this person an effective manager? Why or why not?
  13. Have you ever supervised people? Do you think you were an effective manager? Why or why not?
  14. What must happen to ensure that managers and employees from different cultures can work together successfully?
  15. What do you know about Japanese style?
  16. Why do you think the Japanese have been so successful economically?

In each set of words or idioms, cross out the word that does not have a similar meaning. Discuss the relationship between the words in each set.
1. Substitute                temporary        replacement                 permanent
2. Lean                        sparse              abundant                     insufficient
3. Burden                    freedom           responsibility               strain
4. Jot down                 sit down          write                            take notes
5. Penalize                   punish              discipline                     reward
6. Calisthenics             exercise           aerobics                       inactivity
7. Keep on                   stop                 continue                      remain
8. Betray                     abandon          loyal                            unfaithful

Giving and receiving Feedback
            Effective managers know how and when to give feedback---telling other people how you feel about them or about something they’ve done---in such a way that it will benefits the employee and his or her performance. One important objective of giving feedback is that it should be helpful to the other person and allow him or her to become more effective.

Answer the following questions, using what you know about feedback.
            1. When is feedback given? (Give a specific example!)
            2. Why is feedback necessary?
            3. Tell about a situation in which you received positive or negative feedback!
                  a. What exactly was said?
                  b. What was your reaction?

The following are the things that you should remember when giving feedback.
1. Feedback is intended to help the individual receiving it.
2. Be descriptive rather than evaluative. (Describe the behavior/action, don’t judge it.)
3. Be specific rather than general, with good, clear, and recent examples.
4. Give feedback at a time when the receiver appears ready to handle it.
5. Give only as much as the receiver can handle at one time.

The following are the things that you should remember when receiving feedback.
1. Try not to be defensive.
2. Be sure you understand what the person is saying. Summarize the points briefly.
3. Understand that the purpose of feedback is to further develop one’s effectiveness.

What to Say When Giving Feedback
When giving feedback to someone, don’t just say,” You talk too much.” Instead it is better to be more specific by describing the behavior,” I’ve noticed at our weekly department meetings that you frequently give your opinion and don’t allow others to give theirs. At our last meeting, the other managers became frustrated and lost interest because they weren’t able to contribute”.


What to Say When Receiving Feedback
When you receive feedback such as the kind described above, remain calm and consider what is being said with an open mind. Don’t respond,” How can you that? I always allow other people to speak. Anyway, my opinion is more valuable than theirs. I’ve been with this company a lot longer than they have.” Instead say,” You think that I talk too much at our meetings? Well, I wasn’t aware of that. I’ll keep that in mind at our next meeting.”

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