


            1. The students are able to explain the words concerning with international business.
            2. The students are able to tell the tips to be a successful negotiator.

            International trade makes a wide variety of goods, and services available to people everywhere. Many of the items that we use daily are imports-products that are sold where we live but produced or grown somewhere else. Conversely, products that are made or produced in a country, but shipped abroad, are exports. Regardless of its resources, no country today can produce all of the goods and services demanded by its citizens. Countries naturally tend to export those things that they can produce better or less expensively than other countries. They can then use the proceeds to import things they cannot produce efficiently at home.
            Think about the following products that you may use everyday. Where do these products come from? Television is from China, Japan, and Germany. Coffee is from Brazil, and Indonesia. Wine is from Russia, and French. Cars are from Korea, Japan, and Germany. Oil is from Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, and Saudi Arabia. Paper is from Indonesia, and China
            Make a list of other products that you use in your daily life. What countries are they from? Rice is from Indonesia, and Burma. Hand phone is from China, Korea, and Japan. Motorcycle is from Japan, India, and China. Laptop is from Japan, and Korea.. Clothes are from Indonesia, French, and China
            Why do these countries produce these products? These Countries produce these products because they have the raw material.

IMPORTER                                                    EXPORTER
1. What are your country’s five top                1. What are your country’s five top exports?
imports? Electronic appliances, cars,              Oil, fish, sugar, coffee, and work force.
motorcycle, hand phone, and textile.             
2. Why does your country import these          2. Why does your country export these goods or goods or services? Because we didn’t      services? Because we have the raw material.
have the expert yet.

3. From where does your country import       3. Where does your country export them to?
Them? We import them from developed        To developed countries or rich countries.
4. What are the advantages and                      4. What are the advantage and disadvantage of disadvantages of importing them?                      exporting them?
The advantages are we have these modern     We get income from selling them and           
things, and we can use them to enlighten       automatically increase our power to buy. The
our work. The disadvantages are they            disadvantage is we decrease our raw material.
decrease our power to buy and we don’t
challenge our selves to create our own

Read the following sentences and try to guess the meaning of the words. Write a synonym or your own definition.
1. At the end of last year, Iguana Oil’s total assets were $ 38.9 billion and it was ranked
    as the fourth largest petroleum company in the world based on revenues.
2. The company was founded in 1932 and experienced phenomenal growth during the
    1930’s and 40’s; it made an important contribution to the war effort during
     World War II.
3. It’s growth continued well after the war as baby boomers bought cars to support
     their need for mobility in their work, entertainment, and vacationing.
4. Now as Iguana Oil prepares for the twenty-first century, the world’s oil supplies are
     diminishing and the cost of exploring and developing new oil fields is increasing
5. At our current rate of extraction, which is in accordance with world demand, our
    present oil reserves are expected to be used up within the next five years.
6. The oil reserve may be extremely large or it may be extremely small. There is no way
     of knowing until we actually start developing the oil  exploration sites already
     staked out.


7. Since the 1970’s, Guilipa has been plagued by a large deficit, unable to earn enough
     foreign currency to pay for imports.
8. All of president Sanchez’s aides were exclaiming,” This is what Guilipa needs to
     help rebuild the economy!”
9. Even though President Sanchez thought this could be an excellent opportunity for
    Guilipa, he was still a bit wary.
10. “Yes, Guilipa desperately needs economic help. We are in very difficult times.
    However, we still want representation, autonomy, and dignity in the venture.

Now try to match with one of the given synonyms or definitions
1. Rank                                    a. extraordinary
2. Phenomenal                         b. independence
3. Baby boomers                     c. shout
4. Diminish                              d. cautious
5. In accordance with                         e. order
6. Stake out                             f. demarcate
7. Deficit                                 g. individuals born after the immediate post-World War II
8. Exclaim                               h. corresponds to
9. Wary                                   i. decrease
10. Autonomy                         j. shortage

Key to the above questions
1. Rank = order
2. Phenomenal = extraordinary
3. Baby boomers = individuals born after the immediate post-world war II.
4. Diminish = decrease
5. In accordance with = corresponds to
6. Stake out = Demarcate
7. Deficit = shortage
8. Exclaim = shout
9. Wary = cautious
10. Autonomy = independence


The following are some tips o help you in being a successful negotiator.
Be cooperative
In a cooperative approach to negotiating, the goal is to find a solution that will be perceived as beneficial to both parties-a win-win solution.
Be flexible
The negotiators must be able to adjust their demands in response to each other’s proposals.
Be Prepared
Know exactly what you want to achieve from the negotiation and what you are willing to concede for those things if necessary.
Be Honest
It is important for both parties to share ideas and concerns openly. This creates an atmosphere of trust and therefore a more cooperative negotiating session.

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