


1. The students are able to explain the definition of words concerning with
     organizational behavior.
2. The students are able to explain the tips for running an effective Meeting.

            Leading employees to achieve the objectives of the organization is one of the most challenging roles of management. Motivating people to accomplish these objectives is a crucial part of the leadership role and one of the most difficult. The study of organizational behavior is the study of how people work together, and how their behavior affects performance. In a team or a group, everyone should work together in order to produce the desired results. If one person does not cooperate, then the desired result cannot be achieved. 

            Motivation is the process of stimulating employees so that they perform better in order to reach company objectives as well as personal goals.
Characteristics of motivation
            - Motivation originates within the self. People can only be motivated about
               things that they truly want to achieve.
            - Work-related behavior is influenced by external factors. These factors include                     rewards, such as pay, and threats.
            - Performance is influenced by the situation in which it occurs. The situation can be              positive or negative. Environmental factors include the people around us or even the     company’s reputation or technology.
One model of how managers can motivate employees and affect performance
            - Managers must determine the needs of their employees.
            - Managers must find out what their employees want from their jobs.
            - Managers must first set their own performance goals and objectives before sitting               down with their employees to formulate their goals.
            - Managers must make sure the goals and objectives are realistic.
            - Managers must link the rewards to the desired outcomes of their goals and                         objectives.


            - Managers must ensure that rewards are significant, not trivial.
            - Managers must ensure that star performers are rewarded more than good
               performers, and good performers rewarded more than poor performers.

Answer the following questions based on the passage!
  1. What is meant by the study of organizational behavior?
  2. What is organizational behavior it self?
  3. Explain how people in a sport team work together in order to produce the desired results? What happens if one person does not cooperate?
  4. What makes a group of people successful when working together?
  5. What is motivation?
  6. Mention three characteristics of motivation!
  7. What motivates people to do good job?
  8. What types of incentives are used in this country to motivate workers? Do you think they are effective? Explain!
  9. How can managers motivate employees and affect performance?
  10. Describe some individuals you have difficulty working with! What are the causes of the difficulty?
  11. Describe some individuals you work well with! Why do you work well together?
  12. Think about a situation in your life when you were extremely productive and efficient. What factors influenced your behavior?
  13. Rank the following answers according to your opinion, if the question is “What do I want from my job?”
      - Good communication                                   - Job Security
      - Promotion and Growth                                 - Good Benefits
      - Power and Influence                                                - Autonomy and Freedom
      - Full Appreciation for Work done                 - Good Pay
      - Interesting and Challenging Work               - Pleasant Working Conditions
      Now give reason(s) why you rank like that !


            Managers need to have meeting with employees to accomplish desired goals and for two-way communication. Before calling a meeting, however, the manager must decide if a meeting is the best way to achieve his or her objective. If it is, the following are some tips to guide you in running an effective business meeting.

Tips for Running an Effective Meeting
☺Objective       à What is the goal, purpose, or basic reason for holding a meeting?
☺Participation à   include only participants who can influence the fulfillment of                                              the meeting objective.
☺Agenda        à   Through a memo, let participants know in advance:
            - The purpose for meeting
            - The time
            - The place
            - Topics to be discussed
            - What materials(plans, facts, or data) they need to prepare.
☺Time            à Set time limits in advance.
            - Begin punctually
            - End on time
            - Stick to the meeting objective
            - Discuss only one issue at a time
            - Give everyone a chance to speak (don’t allow one person to dominate the           
            - Ask probing questions to keep the discussion moving
            - Summarize important points.


The following is the example of memo.
To        : Production Line Employees
From    : Giles Depardieu, Operation Manager
Re        : Special Departmental Meeting
Date    : October 10th
In order to meet the upcoming production deadline, we must discuss and develop a plan of action. I would like each of you to be prepared to present your action plans as briefly and concisely as possible. The meeting will be tomorrow from 9 A.M. to 10 A. M. in the Executive Conference Room.

Please be prompt.

When you are leading a meeting, it is important to encourage participation among them in a positive way. The following are some key phrases to use while running a meeting
            - That’s an interesting idea.
            - I’m glad you brought that up.
            - Keep talking, you’re on the right track.
            - How can we build on that idea?
            - That’s great. How can we do it?
            - What else do we need to consider?
            - I like that.
            - etc

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