
chapter 5.MARKETING


            1. The students are able to explain the words concerning with marketing.
            2. The students are able to explain what should be done in giving a business                            presentation.

            Marketing is the link between the organization and the consumer. All organizations must serve consumer needs if they are to succeed. Marketing begins with the identification of consumer needs and the development of a product to meet those needs. Marketing managers develop a marketing strategy based on the four principle elements of marketing. Those four elements, often called the four P’s of marketing, are product (including goods, services, and ideas), price, promotion, and place (distribution). Together, these elements are known as the marketing mix.

1. What is marketing?
2. What is consumer behavior?
3. What are the 4P’s of marketing?
4. What is a marketing plan?
5. Discuss how the following elements influence the products, services or ideas that are
     a part of your lifestyle.
            a. TV                           b. billboards                c. packaging   
6. How do you find out about certain products or sales? What entices you to buy the products?
7. Discuss what a company must do in the following areas before a product can reach your     
    hands.          a. Product research and development
                        b. Market research
                        c. An advertising campaign
                        d. Quality control
8. What are the steps that a company takes to introduce a new product?
9. When you shop, are you more concerned with price or with quality?
10. Do you buy only things that you really need or do you buy things that are the latest

11. Do you plan your purchases carefully or do you buy on impulse?
12. How do the following influence you when you shop?
            a. shopping alone or with someone else.
            b. salespeople
            c. your mood
            d. promotion
            e. price
            f. location of store
            g. time of day
13. Here you act as the consumer. Think about the last time you went shopping and made a purchase. Answer the following questions based on your experience.
            Product           àWhat did you buy? Describe it!
            Place                àWhere did you buy it?
                                    àWhat kind of store was it?
            Price                àHow much did you pay for it?
                                    àHow did it compare in price to other similar products?
            Promotion       àHow did you find out about this product?
                                    àWhat enticed you to buy it?
14. Bring to class an advertisement from a magazine. Describe to the class the product that company is selling and who the target market is that the company is trying to reach.
Determine which of the four P’s the following problems are most closely associated with Product, Price, Promotion, or Place.
            - The phone number for placing a telephone order is always busy.
            - The store is only open until 5:00 p.m. on weekdays.
            - The selling price of the product is only 5 percent higher than the cost of     
               manufacturing it.
            - The store runs out of the product during a special sale.
            - A new dress has a rip under the arm after it is worn once.
            - The product is 20 percent higher in price than other similar products.
            - The advertisement on TV is targeted to children as consumers and influences          them negatively.
            - A new flavor of ice cream is introduced in the winter.


            - The shoe store only has size fives (very small) and size tens (very large) left in a very          popular style.
            - A new product is displayed in the back of the store.

Presentations are extremely important in business.
The following are some tips to help you avoid this situation.
1. Preparing the presentation
First, ask yourself the following three questions
            - Who is my audience?
            - What kind of response do I want?
            - What do I hope to communicate to this group?
2. The presentation
            - Start developing your ideas based on your answers to the three questions            
            - Select your main ideas and develop them.
            - Arrange those ideas so that they build logically. Make an outline.
            - Support each idea with facts and an explanation.
            - Develop your introduction and conclusion to attract the listener’s interest.            - Remember to summarize main ideas in the conclusion.
            - Plan your content to fit the time allowed.
            - Prepare an outline of your presentation on 3 X 5 index cards to aid you in your      delivery.
3. The Delivery
            - Above all, appear relaxed
            - Try to gain a good rapport with the audience.
            - Your appearance:
                        - Dress in a comfortable and professional manner.
                        - Maintain good, straight posture.
                        - Maintain eye contact with the audience.
                        - Use hand gestures that will add to the presentation instead of distract                                from it.

                        - Show enthusiasm.
                        - Use visual or audiovisual aids.
            - Your voice:
                        - Don’t speak too fast.
                        - Pronounce your words clearly.
                        - Project your voice so that people in the back can hear you.
                        - Try not to use too many pauses or hesitation.

A tape recorder is an excellent tool for self-improvement in public speaking. To find out how effective you are when speaking English. Make two five-minute recordings. For the first recording, read aloud any material of your choice. The second one should be an information conversation with a friend. Listen to both tapes and rate yourself, using the following guide. The left column lists characteristic of an effective speaker, and the right column lists are in need of betterment. If you do have some marks in the right-hand column, think about how you can make improvements.
Do you sound:
- Self-assured                                                              - Self-conscious
- Warm, friendly                                                         - Impersonal, indifferent
- Relaxed                                                                     - Tense
- Fluent                                                                        - Hesitant
- Clear                                                                         - Difficult to understand
- Communicative                                                         - Unresponsive
- Appealing                                                                 - Monotonous
- Not too loud or too soft                                           - Too loud or too soft
- Not too fast or too slow                                           - Too fast or too slow

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